Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Age of Conan Guide: Combo Macro tool

Hi guys!

Strategy Freaks is the community forum site that offers plenty of macro, bot, exploit, hacks, tricks, and guide for MMORPGs, and especially Age of Conan! Here's a quick glance of the AOC bot.

Age of Conan Guide: Combo Macro tool

Since i dont have any G15 keyboard i can't run key combos from keyboard.

So to all with none G15 keyb (or even with one )

Use this lovely and fully leagel software Hotkey! Because this program does not read screen pixels or memory locations. So u can't get banned from using this.

This is a easy and very basic tool.
What it does; Grab every selected keys from keyboard and sends a combination of keys back to a selected prog/game.

Grab it from here

How i use it:
Make a txt file and put in your key combos.
Here is a example of 1 key combo:

This example the default arrow on 1,2 and 3 have been removed, and uses the arrow on the extra bars by using the ALT key to bring up the menu.
What this key does is: When you press 1 on your keyboard, The hotkey tool sends Key 1, Alt-3.

This combo can be at any lenght.


To explain the code:
The number of the key hotkey waits on before running this combo. In this case key 1. Remember, this have nothing to do with what key is binded in AOC. Because this software read keypress before AOC, and if that key is hotkey is does not send this key to AOC.
Meaning, i can press 1 on keyboard and hotkey makes that key 4 in AOC.

Tells hotkey on what window to send the keys to. Default AOC window is Age of Conan.

Decide of the combo is sendt to only local pc or remote pc also. Yes is supports multiple computers.

The first key in combo. (sends key 1 to aoc)

Then waits 500 ms befor sending next key

This does first press down the ALT key (ofc not pysicly on ur keyboard ) Then waits for 100ms before pressing the 3 key (up/right arrow) then again waits 100ms before releasing the ALT key.

This tells hotkey how longe before sending next key combo you select (if you spam the keys). This should be about the lenght of the combo animation.

Now, on ex my barbarian char i whant to spam the arrow keys without holding down ALT. So on this char i doesn replace the default 1,2 and 3 keys.

For example. I have combo xx on key 4 on my game bar, and that xx combo require Up/left arrow, Up/right arrow then Up arrow. Default is 1,3,2 ingame.

That code would look like this:


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